Friday, December 9, 2011


I got my Lightscoop, well both of them (standard and warming) in the mail today and I'm a fan!  It's an attachment that goes on over the in-camera flash and bounces the light off of the ceiling.  I think this will work well for indoor photos with the lack of light this winter! :)

Here's a comparison shot I took of Connor with Joe.  The difference between just the in-camera flash and the Lightscoop is pretty stunning!


  1. Hi there! I'm one of your fellow August bumpies and wanted to let you know you sold me on the lightscoop. It is officially on my christmas list. Also I will probably blog about it too so I hope you don't mind that I'm likely going to have quite the copycat post after I receive it (or buy it, whichever comes first). I occasionally blog about my desire to become a better photographer and obtain better equipment (see this post here - Can't wait to learn more.

  2. I'm so glad you're going to get it! I want a Speedlight, but I simply cannot afford it right now. I figured that this would hold me over until I have the necessary funds to invest in the more expensive equipment. I'm very pleased with it so far!

    I'm also learning how to become a better photographer through the use of my DSLR and using the internet as my guide. Fingers crossed we both become as good as we hope to!

  3. Just what I need...something else to buy! My house is SO dark!

  4. hi there everyone! Lightscoop has a special discount right now on their Facebook page.
