Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Connor is jumping in his jumperoo beside me.  Completely oblivious to the reasons for his Mommy's tears.  The tears come in a constant flow; they stop, then begin again the second I imagine another family's pain.  In the Mom's group I'm in on Facebook, we learned that one of our own, a fellow August mother, lost her son yesterday to SIDS.  Her beautiful baby, not much younger than my own, passed in his sleep at day care. 

I look at Connor and I manage a smirk, but then I cry.  He doesn't know why I'm crying, he doesn't understand.  He doesn't realize how unfair it must feel for the parents of the life lost that my son is here, bouncing, smiling and laughing while their son can no longer.  It's not fair, I'll admit that.

Heaven gets angels every day, they didn't need this angel. 

Rest well, baby Easton.  Such a beautiful angel, gone much too soon.

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